Monday, May 28, 2012

A Closer Look on Beilesen Cloth Diaper

We tried this brand just a few days ago, I was a little hesitant at first, it being a velcro/aplix type of closure. My little boy has learned how to undo this since he was 7 months old. Something about the sound makes him giddy. :)

Anyway, so here's a few pictures of Beilesen:

The outer covering is your usual PUL fabric (same as other china brands)

The aplix closure.

It comes with two inserts. The outermost layer is suede cloth that helps baby's bum feel dry. The diaper's lining is also of suede cloth. Personally, I like suede cloth diapers (we have Alva), coz I noticed that it's less prone to stains.

Here's a closer look on the microfiber/suede inserts.


It has a flap that helps secure the insert in place. That's the nice thing about this diaper, at least for me. It works like a hybrid diaper. You can either put the inserts on top of the diaper cover (so that if the pee/poop doesn't reach the nappy cover, you can just replace the inserts and reuse the cover), or you can use it as a traditional pocket diaper and put the inserts inside.

I have to say, it takes a wee bit of an extra effort to stuff the inserts inside. :)

The Beilesen nappy on top of our Next9 diaper. You can already see how trim the crotch area is compared to other nappies. More comparison below:

On top of our Babywizard Nappy. 

On top of Alva.

We've been using it for days already, and I must say no leaks yet as of today. We love the trimness, we love the fit. Although since it's aplix closure, I can only use it with shorts on Nathan. So that takes away the cuteness factor of the diaper. Haha! But performance wise, we love it. 

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